📄️ Environment
Kubernetes Environment Variable Secrets
📄️ Open Lens
Most people when starting with Kubernetes will begin by installed Kubernetes and accessing it's command via KubeCtl. When learning Kubernetes, it's helpful to understand it's inner workings but as you progress, having a UI to manage your deployments is extremely helpful. For managing multiple Kubernetes clusters, I recommend using Open Lens. It's an open source iteration that spawned K8sLens from K8slens.dev. Depending on your needs, you may need K8sLens, it has some nice features liking being able to view logs easily in individual containers. Is it necessary? No but it's a nice feature that may save you time. For myself, I only use the free version via Open Lens.
📄️ ArgoCD
I'm not saying I'm a lazy engineer when it comes to DevOps but in reality, I can be seen as lazy because I enjoy automation. I don't think anyone should spend an exorbent amount of time in their deployment of new code, merged code, or determining how to manage their resources. For myself, once I get a Kubernetes cluster running, the first task I usually perform is to install ArgoCD and have it configured to automate my releases.
📄️ Grafana